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Mam na imię: MetalowyZelek
Lat: 36
Moja płeć: Mężczyzna
Mieszkam: Prabuty | Polska
Więcej informacji: Odeszłem dzięki za zabawe Waldek Pozdrawiam!! Korn - Deep Inside I m not doing great I feel like I m dead Not thinking straight inside my body is troubled, full of hate I had to let it out before it s too late Deep Inside, It can hide! Feeling so lost and betrayed why does this happen to me everytime Stuck in this place, where I can t escape Screaming and clawing from deep inside Why won t it fade Outside I had to lie; I m ok, I hope someday, I ll stop getting pain I guess this is a lie, I have made Deep Inside, It can hide! Feeling so lost and betrayed why does this happen to me everytime Stuck in this place, where I can t escape Screaming and clawing from deep inside What am I doing? I can t believe this I have been hiding Wanting to be less Giving to people, They take from me Always they bring drama to me Look, look at me now NOWWWWWWWW Feeling so lost and betrayed why does this happen to me everytime Stuck in this place, where I can t escape Screaming and clawing from deep inside I can t stand all this fucking Pain Please just go away Please god just make the pain...
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