Zbyszek | 58
Zbyszek | 58
  • Login: zbiroj07
  • Activity: Days ago
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Fast message:

All about me

My name is: Zbyszek

Years: 58

My sex: Male

I live in: Bieżuń | Polska

I am seeking: Women

Do I have children?: I don't have

I want children in future: I don't know

Marital status: Single male

My education: Secondary

My profession: Physical worker

Hair: Other

Eyes: Grey

My physique: Slim

My height: 175 cm

Cigarettes: I don't smoke

Alcohol: I don't like

I am looking for: Friendship, Love, Women

Verified: Confirmation has been made by SMS.

More information: Odpowiedzialny szczery czas wolny lubię spędzać w zaciszu domowym w bliskości z ukochaną kobietą

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